Your projects are unique as well as our solutions.

SIT Group Team
SIT Groupe clé en main turnkey проект под ключ CIP NEP CIP мойка
SIT Groupe clé en main turnkey проект под ключ CIP ozone ozonated water CIP station CIP мойка с применением озона


Compact, mobile and multi-line unit

SIT SAS has developed its own Clean-in-Place stations (CIP) meeting the criteria of food and cosmetics industries.
CIP stations are conceived to clean and decontaminate securely your installations.
– Customized programming of cleaning cycles
– Water, energy and cleaning agent’s savings
– Compact design
– Flexibility of functioning
– Automation and “open” supervision facilitating data exchange
   with existing systems

Ozone CIP Station

Automated modular unit

SIT SAS and IANSIT present standard CIP stations combined to disinfection solution with an ozonated water (add-on module).
Use of the oxidation concept: destruction of cellular walls of bacteria and viruses.
– Powerful oxidation of organic materials.
– No water’s color or taste modification.
– Ozone has no accumulative properties.
– Safety standards of generators and ozone destroyers make it
   completely safe for being used in cleaning and disinfection process.
– Energy saving (cold disinfection) and no chemical products used.

SIT Groupe clé en main turnkey проект под ключ CIP ozone ozonated water CIP station CIP мойка с применением озона
SIT Groupe CIP ozone
SIT Groupe clé en main turnkey проект под ключ mini laiterie mini dairy


From milk reception to packaging
(1000 – 10.000 litres/day)

SIT SAS presents its “turnkey” concept of Mini dairy: complete and functional solution for artisanal or semi-industrial dairy processing (cheese, yoghurt and other fresh dairy products).
The “SIT Mini Dairy” solution integrates the production and distribution of utilities necessary for the proper functioning of the installation.
Easy-to-use, integrated solution, modular, flexible, compact design, simplified maintenance.


Turnkey solution

LE NERRANT presents its turnkey solution – complete and autonomous
container boiler room.
Fully-equipped containers: 10 – 40 feet, possibility of extension
Hot water and steam production (smoke tubes and rapid vaporization)
Power from 100 KW to 2 MW
Operating mode: A.P.H.P. / S.P.H.P. 72 H 00
Fuel: domestic fuel and natural gas

Groupe SIT chaufferie en container
Groupe SIT ASPI automation automatisation автоматизация


Your process is connected

Supervision and batch management solution developed by ASPI
since 1998:
remote control, data base, global data management
system (ERP), supervision, batch, traceability, report edition,
architecture, automation, safety unit, installation, metrology,
signal  processing,  diagnostic, commissioning, instrumentation.

“Your projects are unique
as well as our solutions”.



Compact, mobile
and multi-line unit

SIT SAS has developed its own Clean-in-Place stations (CIP) meeting the criteria of food and cosmetics industries.
CIP stations are conceived to clean and decontaminate securely your installations.
– Customized programming of cleaning cycles
– Water, energy and cleaning agent’s savings
– Compact design
– Flexibility of functioning
– Automation and “open” supervision facilitating data exchange with existing systems

SIT Groupe clé en main turnkey проект под ключ CIP ozone ozonated water CIP station CIP мойка с применением озона

Ozone CIP Station

Automated modular unit

SIT SAS and IANSIT present standard CIP stations combined to disinfection solution with an ozonated water (add-on module).
Use of the oxidation concept: destruction of cellular walls of bacteria and viruses.
– Powerful oxidation of organic materials
– No water’s color or taste modification
– Ozone has no accumulative properties
– Safety standards of generators and ozone destroyers have made it completely safe for being used in cleaning and disinfection process
– Energy saving (cold disinfection) and no chemical products used

SIT Groupe clé en main turnkey проект под ключ mini laiterie mini dairy


From milk reception to packaging
(1000 – 10.000 litres/day)

SIT SAS presents its “turnkey” concept of Mini dairy: complete and functional solution for artisanal or semi-industrial dairy processing (cheese, yoghurt and other fresh dairy products).
The “SIT Mini Dairy” solution integrates the production and distribution of utilities necessary for the proper functioning of the installation.
Easy-to-use, integrated solution, modular, flexible, compact design, simplified maintenance.

Groupe SIT chaufferie en container


Turnkey solution

LE NERRANT presents its turnkey solution complete and autonomous container boiler room.
Fully-equipped containers: 10 – 40 feet, possibility of extension
Hot water and steam production (smoke tubes and rapid vaporization)
Power from 100 KW to 2 MW
Operating mode: A.P.H.P. / S.P.H.P. 72 H 00
Fuel: domestic fuel and natural gas

Groupe SIT ASPI automation automatisation автоматизация


Your process is connected

Supervision and batch management solution developed by ASPI since 1998: remote control, data base, global data management system (ERP), supervision, batch, traceability, report edition, architecture, automation, safety unit, installation, signal processing, metrology, diagnostic, commissioning, instrumentation.